Bury Tomorrow: Udgiver video fra kommende album
Det britiske metalcoreband Bury Tomorrow er parat med deres nye album »Runes«, som udkommer den 26. maj på Nuclear Blast.
Om det kommende album signer forsanger Dani Winter-Bates: "Each song on »Runes« draws its inspiration from each of the runic symbols they are linked to. 'Man On Fire' is about the struggle of human kind's sanity in an ever-changing world. The song itself is linked with the Rune for Man/Humankind and follows lyrically the ideas of a figure fighting their own thoughts and their fears getting the better of them. We worked closely with Sitcom Soldiers to visually bring the ideas with the song to life.
We couldn't be happier with the way it came out!"
Fra det kommende album er der nu en video parat:
'Man On Fire'.