


Advocacy - The Path Of Decoherence

Et aldeles glædeligt genhør med redaktionens tabte sønner


Skarpe og tilbagelænede jyder


Koncerter og festivaler

Dato Koncert Spillested Anmeldelse
Advocacy, Kaiju, Wojtek
Dansk Smadder Vol. 5: Advocacy, Blodmåne, Crimson Burial
Heavymetal.dk: 25-års jubilæum: Advocacy, Grusom, Shadowspawn, Skarnet
- Copenhagen Metal Fest 2024: Advocacy, Archangel, Asera, Beneath The Silence, Demersal, m.fl.
Læs reportage
Advocacy, Apathist
Advocacy, Apathist, Tease the Demon
Advocacy, Apathist
Advocacy, Lastera, Room 32
Mono Goes Metal Fest 2023: Hiraes, TELOS, Dread Witch, Gennem Tågen, Advocacy, m.fl.
Advocacy, Apathist, Sacramore
Fatter Escobar 2023: Big Game Hunter, Forstenet, Sadokrista, Advocacy, Lightchapter
Craveyard, Apathist, Advocacy
Death Island Festival: Svartsot, Advocacy, Meridian, Tease the Demon, Captain Buzzface
Advocacy, Apathist
Taagefanger, Violition, Advocacy, Persecutor, Destabilizer
Advocacy, Danefae, ÊTRE Aflyst
Advocacy, Among Phantoms, Awake The Lights
Monorama Rocks 2022: Advocacy, Mak'Vaerk, Tempest Drive, Big Game Hunter
Emergenza 2020: Advocacy Aflyst
Emergenza 2020: Advocacy, Emberray, Tempest Drive
Monorama Rocks 2019: Seizing Blackwater, Inbetween Days, Montezuma, NOOR, Poastman, m.fl.
Monorama Rocks 2018: Advocacy, Càninus, Mak'Vaerk, Seizing Blackwater
- Viborg Metal Festival 2018: Mother of All, Iniquity, Afsky, The Petulant, Advocacy, m.fl.



Interview med Advocacy

I starten af februar udkom Advocacys anden ep, Remnants – og sikke en ep. Læs med her, hvor bandet fortæller om det at have en næsten helt