Ungdommens Hus Fredericia

Norgesgade 46A
7000 Fredericia
Syd- og Sønderjylland
- Metal Magic Festival 2008: Evil, Hideous Invasion, Vardlokkur, Denial Of God, Holmgang, Pagan Rites, Horned Almighty Palt, Scaffold Indoctrination, Jester's Crown Strychnos, Ad Noctum, Denial Of God - Fredericia Hardcore Festival 2006: The Architect, Haram, Kaospilot, Rise And Fall, Nueva Etica, The Ocean, Sworn Enemy, Struggle Against Fredericia Hardcore Festival: Aborted, Disfear, Nine, 25 Ta...: Fredericia Hardcore Festival: Aborted, Disfear, Nine, 25 Ta... Fredericia Hardcore Festival: Aborted, Disfear, Nine, 25 Ta...: Fredericia Hardcore Festival: Aborted, Disfear, Nine, 25 Ta... Fredericia Hardcore Festival: Aborted, Disfear, Nine, 25 Ta...: Fredericia Hardcore Festival: Aborted, Disfear, Nine, 25 Ta... Fredericia Hardcore Festival: Cataract, Liar, Another Breath,...: As We Fight, Complete Fredericia Hardcore Festival: Born From Pain, Between Us,...: Endstand