Ungdommens Hus Fredericia

Norgesgade 46A
7000 Fredericia
Syd- og Sønderjylland
Nifelheim - Metal Magic Festival 2013: The Black, Artillery, Emerald, Nocturnal, Convixion, Beastmilk Læs reportage Battery, Ironguard - Metal Magic Festival 2011: Nifelheim, Gehennah, Panzerchrist, Glorior Belli , Procession, Cerekloth, RAM, Die Hard, Resistance, Ironguard, Death Rides a Horse, AnoxiA, Impalers - Metal Magic Festival 2010: Evil, Denial Of God, In Solitude, Tribulation, Angel Witch, Root, Fate, Horned Almighty, Strychnos, Battery Red Warszawa Demonical, My Own Grave Hardcore Show 2009: 25 Ta Life, Last Hope, Spinkick, Straight... - Ungdommens Hus Fredericia - 1. april 2009 Sathanas, Nunslaughter Last Mile, Earn Your Scars