Ungdommens Hus Fredericia

Norgesgade 46A
7000 Fredericia
Syd- og Sønderjylland
Siamese Metal Magic Warmup 2015: RAM, Die Hard, Turbocharged, Axegressor, Disintegrated, Würms Tongue, Grusom, Fiercer Moshball Madness 2015: Mahakali, No Second Chance, Earn Your Scars, Back Down, Grim Vision Ironguard, Mahakali, Suits Boulevard, Scent Of Pain - Metal Magic Festival 2015: Candlemass, Girlschool, Sigh, Antaeus, Gospel of the Horns, Bölzer, The Tower, Atlantean Kodex, Iniquity, Slaughter Messiah, , Deathcult, Impalers, Maiden Aalborg, Steve Grimmett's Grim Reaper, Antaeus, Centrian, Release Maltese Falcon, Terminus, Saturnalia Temple, Mordskog, Outrage, Arkham Witch, Horacle, Detest, Dwell, Lords of Triumph, Deiquisitor, Hellevator, Crocell Fredericia hardcore/punk/metal Festival: Fredericia hardcore/punk/metal Festival Fredericia hardcore/punk/metal Festival: Fredericia hardcore/punk/metal Festival Settle The Score, As They Burn Settle The Score, As They Burn Dance With The Devil Tour 2014: Born From Pain, First Blood,... - Ungdommens Hus Fredericia - 16. april 2014