Manowar udgiver ny EP
Manowar har skrevet følgende på deres hjemmeside:
"Hail Brothers and Sisters of Steel! Fantasy becomes reality as Manowar releases the EP, "Thunder in the Sky." The introduction to The Asgard Saga, Manowar's collaboration with Germany's best-selling fantasy author, Wolfgang Hohlbein, will feature 6 songs and a bonus CD with "Father" recorded in 16 versions in 16 different languages. The EP is the prequel to the complete CD "Hammer of the Gods," due to be released at the end of 2009.
Destined to be a collector's item, the tour edition of the EP will be available at all the festivals Manowar headlines on The Death to Infidels Tour 2009.
In addition, the EP will be available for sale online in high-quality, DMR-free, MP3 format only at The Kingdom Of Steel Online Store. The downloadable version of the EP will contain the exact same content as the version on sale during the tour: Thunder In The Sky, God Or Man, Let The Gods Decide, Father, Die With Honor, The Crown And The Ring (2008) and versions of "Father" recorded in German, Italian, Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Norwegian, Spanish, French, Greek, Turkish, Polish, Japanese, Croatian, Portuguese and Finnish.
Keep posted to your official Manowar websites for links to sneak previews of the new Manowar songs set to be released on the EP.
Kommentarer (2)
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Hold kæft hvor er de 4 nye
Hold kæft hvor er de 4 nye numre bare for geniale, det er sgu ligefør de er halv progresive, fantastiske tekster fra Wolfgang Hohlbein. og Fedt et Donie Hamzick er tilbage, han kan sgu endnu.
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Indlæg: 87
Den EP ville jeg svært gerne
Den EP ville jeg svært gerne have fingre i. Det er en skam at mine koncertplaner ikke involverer Manowar i år. Hvor kan man få en chance for at høre de nye numre?