Jomfru stål i gang med nyt album

Jomfru stål i gang med nyt album

På Virgin Steele's officielle hjemmeside skriver Mark Gorman følgende om deres kommende album "Visions of Eden":

"The new VIRGIN STEELE Album is truly on schedule! David is literally one day away from completing all mixing and mastering, and I can now honestly tell you with complete confidence that it will be out in September. The name of the album is to be...VISIONS OF EDEN, and it is quite Epic. It is I believe the Group's longest album to date, clocking in at 79 minutes and 57 seconds. We hope you will enjoy it. More information, track listing etc., will appear in the weeks ahead...

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Det er sgu også på tide vi

Det er sgu også på tide vi endelig for nyt fra drengene, glæder mig helt vildt.


Tror ikke der findes et heavy

Tror ikke der findes et heavy metal-band Kietel og jeg kan blive så rørende enige om som Virgin Steele!