Nyt fra Wacken!!
Hvis du og dit band kunne tænke jer at stå på scenen i Wacken, er muligheden der måske i år! Som noget nyt, kan bands i perioden 20.04.-30.06. uploade deres videoklip på www.wackentube.com, hvor alle kan gå ind og se klippene og stemme på deres favorit. Vinder-bandet får så den enestående chance, at spille på festivallen, der i år finder sted 04.-07. august. Se her:
Some news from the Wacken camp:
For the very first time in history of Wacken Open Air the W:OA: Metal Masters will be launched.
The Masters is a video-online voting for metal bands, the prize is a live-slot on the 21. Wacken Open Air in August.
Bands can upload a video on wackentube.com, all users will decide which video is the best during the time of 04/20/2010 to 06/30/2010.
The winning-band will have the once in a lifetime chance to play in front of a huge metal-audience at the Wacken Open Air.
Further informations regarding Metal Masters can be found at http://www.wackentube.com.
So go ahead and go to http://www.wackentube.com and vote, perhaps some good but unknown band might get a good chance for promotion...