Nyt fra To/Die/For
To/Die/For mainman/Sanger Jape Perätalo har følgende update på Myspace;
"Time between Wounds Wide Open and 2010 is been too long time without doing "almost nothing" with To/Die/For.
We tried to create it with Tonmi Lillman and we used one year but things did not go forward as it should go. Tonmi is very great drummer and recorder and musician. But he is having so much other things to do also (Vanguard, Ajattara). To/Die/For is a thing I wanna do with all of heart and that's why I decided to be free, and do it without Tonmi again. It is sad but I have my life too and I cannot just wait and wait all the time. Of course there is other reasons too but nothing personal problems. I love him as a friend always. So... I saw two possibilities: Trying to it with Tonmi it would take too long and album would not come before 2020 or do it sooner with guys whos are living more near me, rehearsing would be easier etc. etc. many reasons.
Now on the 5th of October we finally start to record the sixth To/Die/For album with Santtu Lonka, Juppe Sutela and Josey Strandman. Now I am praying that also Antza Talala and Juska "Zoltan" Salminen would join us permanently too. Anyway, with this line up we will play next show which is like a new beginning (again) for us! To/Die/For is like a Fenix bird. Buddhism and hinduism are right when they say "we will born again and again as long as we have found nirvana. Now I guess that if we someday will release our last album it should be called Nirvana but that's in the future... hopefully far away.
At the first studio sessions we will record songs: "Cry For Love" (an Iggy Pop cover), "Death Comes In March", "Into The Storm", "Bittersweet Bleeding Heart" and something else too.
Now we're spending our evenings at our rehealsal place for composing, and recording demos and doing new stuff for our Chaotic To/Die/For and when I am at home I will write lyrics, drink coffee and beer and plan things. So I would say life is for To/Die/For again."