Symphony X afslører Artwork og Trackliste for kommende Album.
De progressive metal masterminds SYMPHONY X kan nu afsløre artwork og trackliste på deres kommende album, "Iconoclast".
"Iconoclast", der er bandets 9. studiealbum, udkommer den 17. juni og er bandets Nuclear Blast debut album.
Illustrator og film koncept artist Warren Flanagan (Watchmen, The Incredible Hulk, 2012) er talentet bag album artwork.
Han kommenterer den kreative process, i forbindelse med albummets artwork, med følgende ord:
“The idea was to create imagery that was a little darker in tone to previous SYMPHONY X albums and to represent the overall theme of Iconoclast into the artwork. The whole concept came from Mike [Romeo], who had a strong idea of what the cover should represent based off the music. I just ran with it. When the album’s title was decided on, I focused the image based on the meaning of it. I also wanted to use the band’s signature 'masks' but present them in a way that connected to the new album."
SYMPHONY X grundlægger & lead guitarist Michael Romeo har følgende kommentar til Flanagan’s artwork:
"We worked with Warren on the last CD, Paradise Lost, and have a good relationship with him. When I talk to Warren about artwork ideas, a lot of times we end up making comparisons to films and movies. With the new CD, Iconoclast, the music and lyrics have a darker mechanical/technological theme, and I remember us talking about scenes from films like The Matrix and Terminator. From there, we sent him some song titles and lyrics (songs like 'Dehumanized,' 'Bastards Of The Machine,' 'Electric Messiah') and just let Warren run with the ball. He has a great imagination and style, and he totally gets what we are trying to convey with the music."
Tracklisten for jewel-cased versionen af "Iconoclast":
01. Iconoclast
02. The End Of Innocence
03. Dehumanized
04. Bastards Of The Machine
05. Heretic
06. Children Of A Faceless God
07. Electric Messiah
08. Prometheus (I Am Alive)
09. When All Is Lost
Track listen for 2-CD Special Edition digi-pak versionen af "Iconoclast":
CD 1:
01. Iconoclast
02. The End Of Innocence
03. Dehumanized
04. Bastards Of The Machine
05. Heretic
06. Children Of A Faceless God
07. When All Is Lost
CD 2:
01. Electric Messiah
02. Prometheus (I Am Alive)
03. Light Up The Night
04. The Lords Of Chaos
05. Reign In Madness,