Sylosis parat med en trailer og single forud for deres fjerde album
Sylosis er parat med deres fjerde album »Dormant Heart«, som udkommer den 16. januar. Frontfigur Josh Middleton fortæller på traileren på kildelinket om albummet, titlen og tilblivelsen af albummet generelt. Om musikken fortæller Josh:
“It's the most pissed-off, aggressive and intense album we've done, yet it still retains the epic, progressive and melodic side we're also known for. It's a very gloomy and atmospheric album. We've been through a lot as a band and individuals and we've made our darkest album to date. The title refers to people going through life on autopilot and being one of the herd, how a lot of people simply accept the way things are just because it's 'tradition' as opposed to taking a good look at the world around you and thinking for yourself. Sometimes there are catalysts that happen and change our perspective or consciousness.”
Coveret er udført af kunstneren Bonfire som tidligere har arbejdet sammen med Opeth og Satyricon. Josh fortæller om coveret:
"The cover relates to sacrifice (the sacrificial lamb is more of a symbol than something to be taken literally) but also the looming, oppressing figure in the background represents corruption and being forced into something against your will."
Sylosis har tidligere udgivet nummet Mercy som kan ses nedenfor.