Priest siger nej til reality show
Judas Priest siger nej tak til at medvirke i et reality show. De vil ikke sætte deres image over spil ved at optræde i dette, selvom f.eks. Gene Simmons fra Kiss har høstet stor ros for "Rock School".
Rob Halford siger:
"Everybody is an exhibitionist these days. I've been offered a reality show to get country singers to do a metal-country song in Tennessee. It's mad isn't it? When you're in a band like Priest, you have to think, 'Well hang on ... if I do this, how's it going to reflect on the other great things I've been part of?' We're very careful about that in Priest."
og tilføjer:
"Rock School's great for Gene because it's got substance and depth, and leaves you feeling good at the end of it, whereas some of the shows make you want to scream and change channel."