Original bassist tilbage til Malevolent Creation.
Bassist Jason Blachowicz er atter vendt tilbage til Malevolent Creation, hvor han er del af "original line-up". Blachowicz forlod i sin tid bandet for at kaste sig over en karriere som tatovør, men nu er tiden altså inde til at vende tilbage til musikken. Han har følgende kommentar:
"Been in hiding, working in tattoo shops for quite some time now but my gut has been aching to do one of the things that I do best... spreading malevolence across the globe with my brothers in metal," commented Blachowicz. "The evil in my blood has motivated me to dust the cobwebs off of my bass and commit to performing blasphemy and anger upon mine and everyone else's ears once again. This is also for one of my inspirations, Peter Steele, and for all of the loyal Malevolent Creation fans who have been supporting us for 23 fucking years! Our 11th album, Invidious Dominion, is going to rip the weak and feeble to shreds."
Malevolent Creation er til efteråret på gaden med deres 11. Studiealbum, "Invidious Dominion", der er produceret af Erik Rutan og indspillet i Mana Studios, Florida. Albummet udkommer via Nuclear Blast.