Onheil: Nyt album er på vej
Onheil fra Holland spiller blackened metal og er nu på vej med efterfølgeren til deres roste debut fra 2009: "Razor". Bandet har taget tilløb gennem et stykke tid, men i begyndelsen af 2014 skulle albummet være på gaden.
Singer/Guitarist Amok fortæller om arbejdet med Storm Is Coming: "Like most bands, we always want to make our new album the best one. But as the reception of our previous album ‘Razor’ was amazing, that was one fuckin' tough job to do!
We took the sound of ‘Razor’ as the blueprint and then injected it with even more power and dynamics! You will hear that in our riffs and drumming! Besides that we gave a bit more room for classic Heavy and Thrash metal influences and with that created more contrast with our blasting Black and Death Metal. That resulted in an unique blend that is the ONHEIL sound. We needed some time to do it, but we believe we succeeded in making a great follow-up album!"
Trackliste: Storm Is Coming
1. Embrace The Chaos
2. Kill Tomorrow
3. Self-Destruction Mode
4. The Omega Legions
5. Storm Is Coming
6. The End Of Everything
7. Wings Of Death
8. Dronkenschap In Duisternis II
9. Nature's Wrath
10. Streams Of Silence