Se det nye Behemoth videoklip!
Så er Behemoth videoklippet til nummeret "Alas, Lird Is Upon Me" færdigt. Videoen er produceret af Rafal Szermanowicz og Grupa 13.
Sanger Nergal har følgende kommentar til klippet: "First of all, we've overcome ourselves with this new video clip. Period. It's something we've wanted to do for a very long time. Pretty much no digital intervention, no blue boxes, no fake shit this time, but great filming, good acting, and a fuckin' awesome storyline. It's disturbing, crazy, and evil. We've had over 70 people working for us on this video so we can easily say it was the biggest production so far. I'm beyond excited! Wait and see..."
Dariusz Szermanowicz / Grupa 13 tilføjer: "This time we decided to make something different. We'd like to make video in 'cinematic' style without so many VFX like in last two videos. We found great location, we had dozen of actors and extras and awesome stylizing. During the 16 hours of hard work we've created amazingly killer video!"
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