Nails: Er nu en del af Nuclear Blast familien
Roskilde Festival aktuelle Nails har netop skrevet under på, at bandets kommende tredje album skal udkomme via Nuclear Blast Entertainment.
Albummet forventes at udkomme engang i starten af 2015.
Frontmanden Todd Jones fortæller:“After waging an oppressive blitzkrieg against the world in 2013 with »Abandon All Life«, NAILS will join the ranks of the legendary Nuclear Blast for our next campaign of grindcore/death/punk tyranny, alongside the hate dogs is none other than Monte Conner, building on his work with gods like OBITUARY, DEATH, and SEPULTURA in bringing the extreme underground to the forefront of heavy music. Deep in a Southern California bunker crafting our newest LP, the tyrants offer sincere thanks to our former team at Southern Lord for their commitment to NAILS' vision. Long live bleak aggression, crushing rage, and audial warfare. Long live NAILS. HATRED AD INFINITUM…"
Nails spiller den 6. juli på Roskilde.