Motörhætten aflyser på Giants of Rock
Motörhead aflyser en række koncerter på den europæiske Tour, heriblandt deres optræden på Giants of Rock. Årsagen er, at Lemmy lørdag måtte lade sig indlægge med et slemt tilfælde af dehydrering. Efterfølgende fik han besked på at slappe af og ikke fortsætte Europatouren. Der er endnu ikke offentliggjort nogen afløser til Giants of Rock.
Kommentarer (5)
Mr Body
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Indlæg: 19
Surt. Ja så kan man så gætte
Surt. Ja så kan man så gætte på hvem afløseren bliver.
Et gæt kunne være In Flames, der spiller dagen før i Göteborg med Iron Maiden.
Det er nok for meget at turde håbe på Iron Maiden.
Ville In Flames være urealistisk? Eller mon det bliver et dansk navn?
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Indlæg: 214
Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej!!!! fuck
Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej!!!! fuck pis &#%¤( looooort aaaaaaaargh!!!!!
Indlæg: 180
Meddelelse fra Motörheads
Meddelelse fra Motörheads agent:
'When you're dealing with a warhorse like Lemmy it's not easy to discuss typical normal healthy things such as a balanced diet and proper fluid intake," said manager Todd Singerman. "Look, one time when I spoke to him about the importance of vegetables in a diet, he looked me straight in the eye and said "what are you talking about Todd! These crisps here are part of the vegetable food group!" So imagine telling him he needs to drink more water because it's a crazy hot summer in Europe! Although in fairness to Lemm he did start making an effort by adding extra ice-cubes to his Jack and coke"
Drummer Mikkey Dee spoke of the 100 plus degree heat at recent gigs, and commented, "I'm having to drink 8 bottles of Gatorade as well as water just to get through these shows, I mean, I'm close to passing out, and there's Lemm sweating his ass off drinking his Jack and coke! I told him after our last number at the Fury Fest in France, "let's not go back out for an encore" and that we should call it a night because really, I thought I was going to collapse. They were telling us that it was over 130 degrees on stage, but he insisted on doing the final two encores. We managed to get through 'Ace Of Spades' so I said 'come on Lemm, we did an encore, let's just skip the last one 'Overkill' " and he said, "no Mikkey, we're doing 'Overkill' but maybe we can just play it a little slower. " Commenting on rumors that Lemmy's health is in a more serious state than diagnosed, Singerman laughed. "Come on, you couldn't make this story up! The simple truth is that Lemmy's the classic rock'n'roll juggernaut who has proudly defied human logic for decades, but even juggernauts need a bit of maintenance once in a while.'
Indlæg: 17
Ja det er sgu ærgeligt med
Ja det er sgu ærgeligt med motörhead. :/
På kan man læse at de afventer bekræftelse fra Accept eller Sepultura som afløser. "Der forventes en bekræftelse på et af ovennævnte bands i løbet af i morgen, fredag"
Indlæg: 7
Ja trist at lemmy og co. ikke
Ja trist at lemmy og co. ikke kommer:(
Men tror det bliver Accept..og det ville så være en okay afløser - trods alt.