Illnath introducerer to nye bandmedlemmer
Danske Illnath har skrevet følgende på deres myspace blog:
"Great news! Finally a full line-up in Illnath. During a hard weekend (including 6 boxes of beers), we have had a great audition. We are very happy to present:
Michael Huhle - drums (ex-Victimizer, ex-Deadly Sins and vocalist/songwriter in Blackhorned);
Danny Svendsen - keyboards / synths (keys in the Danish experimental folk metal band Heidra).
Huhle will be playing his first Illnath show in Svendborg, June 5th. Danny will be ready for Illnath shows later this year. Artur "Tyr" Meinild will play the keys at the two upcomming shows in June 2010."