Equilibrium har fået ny trommeslager.
De tyske Pagan metal veteraner, Equilibrium, har netop offentliggjort, at de har fået ny trommeslager – En israelsk fyr ved navn Stated Hati.
Stated Hati: "I feel extremely lucky and honoured to play with EQUILIBRIUM. It's a dream come true for me and a great opportunity. And I would like to thank Nasha Nocturna for connecting us!"
Kommentar fra mainman René Berthiaume: „When we made officially announced being on the hunt for a drummer, we received lots of applications of really good drummers every day. We feel honoured also renowned artists were among them. Eventually we chose this guy from Israel. Hati has the ambition and the talent to kick major ass with us!"
Se deres præsentationsvideo her: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLD_fmWzE0A
Bandet er i øjeblikket igang med optagelserne af albummet „ReKreatur“ der skulle udkomme i løbet af sommeren 2010!
www.equilibrium-metal.de | www.myspace.com/equilibrium | www.nuclearblast.de/equilibrium