Tyske Equilibrium har nu uploaded en trailer til det kommende album "Rekreatur" plus en akustisk version af deres velkendte nummer "Heimwärts", der også vil være at finde på "Rekreatur" bonus cd'en.
“Rekreatur" album trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTLuCqmxY_Y
„Heimwärts“ (acoustic version): http://www.myspace.com/equilibrium
Mainman René Berthiaume kommenterer: „The compositions of EQUILIBRIUM just ask for being played in different constellation. A lof of fans already did it and showed it on YouTube! Since we wanna offer our fans a lot more with each release than just the album itself, we recorded a bonus cd with acoustic versions of old and new songs for the limited edition of “Rekreatur"!"
“Rekreatur" er det første Equilibrium album med den nye sanger, Robse Dahn.
Albummet udkommer 18. juni 2010 via Nuclear Blast!