Dream Silly
Dream Evil Trommeslager Snowy Shaw har i et interview givet nogle bud på sange til deres kommende fjerde album, om alle titler er lige seriøse skal det dog ikke kunne siges:
Alright, in the night
Raise your fist if you are a fan of metal
Holy Driver
Doomlord (The Domherre)
Medusa - The Queen of the Serpents
Stand up and Scout
I Love to Headbang
Let's Born to Metal
The Night the King Died
Drag Queens in Dragonland
Evil are the Snakes in Paradise who Fear no Darkness from Beyond the Grave
Ylgo - The Evil On-bird
Tormented With Disco
Harre-Djaevlar in the Night
Let's Heavy Metal ourselves to Death
Dangerous Cymbals
Watch out! The Grim-reaper comes for you
The Master of Nonchackos
The Sphinx (opus: II)
In search of the Holy Grail