Deicide aflyser (igen)

Det amerikanske Death Metal band, Deicide, der stod til at spille på The Rock på søndag har valgt at aflyse de resterende koncerter på deres europa turné. Det har desværre endnu ikke været muligt at få en officiel forklaring fra bandet eller deres management, kun følgende korte forklaring fra deres engelske agent:


Glen Benton and the band have chosen to cancel a bunch of European dates - again.

This is the 3rd consecutive time the band cancels European tour dates in the 11th hour. Initially the band wanted to move the Copenhagen date into December,

but the latest news is that the band have played their last gig in Barcelona last night, and chosen to return to Florida via Spain.

As a result the Copenhagen date on December 19 WILL NOT happen. There is no official statement from the band or their management as of yet.

Once again DEICIDE leave thousands of fans stranded and various promotors and venues in financial ruin."

Allerede indkøbte billetter bliver refunderet via BilletNet's salgsteder.

Kommentarer (2)



Indlæg: 48

Det band burde forbydes at

Det band burde forbydes at spille nogle steder i verden, eller stille op til officiel stening for dden latterlige behandling af sine fans!!!

Evil Mike

Indlæg: 19

Haha, gad vide om han stadig

Haha, gad vide om han stadig er deres agent efter den forklaring...