Borknagar har fået I.C.S. Vortex tilbage!
I.C.S. Vortex (Ex-Dimmu Borgir, ex-Arcturus) er nu vendt tilbage til Borknagar, efter at bassist Tyr sidste uge forlod bandet. Vortex vil både klare bas og vokal på bandets kommende tour, da sanger Andreas "Vintersorg" Hedlund af personlige årsager ikke har mulighed for at være med.
Guitarist Øystein G.Brun kommenterer: "As stated in several interviews the last couple of month's it's our firm intention to bring the band's live activities up a notch - in respect for all our fans. There is just no way we can dismiss all the requests we get all over the world. We are currently working on some really interesting touring plans, but unfortunately our brother in music Vintersorg is not able to come along for the moment being due to private commitments. So Vortex being a previous member and always a good friend of the band, it feels great to have him back in the fold in order to execute these plans. Also, I would like to express my deepest admiration for Vintersorg's open minded and supportive attitude, embracing the idea to pull this off with Vortex in his absence- to make this a genuine and worthy solution for Borknagar."
Andreas “Vintersorg" Hedlund har følgende kommentar: "This is just what the band needs at the moment. I'm not leaving the band or anything like that, but my work situation is holding me back for doing these shows. I know I.C.S Vortex will bring all his personality and skills into this to make it perfect! I wish I could be there."
Selvfølgelig også en kommentar fra I.C.S Vortex: "I am looking forward to see all you old school helmet-wearing mo-fos on the road and to spend some quality time once again with my favorite vikings. Let's make this event "a really special BM party come on!"