Ny bassist til Hackneyed
Tyske Hackneyed har offentliggjort følgende på deres myspace blog:
"Hey folks, after a long time we have some news for you. Our long time fellow Alex isn't playing the bass at Hackneyed anymore. After several weeks of being torn between his new job and the band he took the decision to leave the band. It was a hard time for all of us but we all think that it was the only way of keeping Hackneyed alive and going. We are sad that Alex, one of the founding members, had to leave us. We all hope that, despite his new job we will still find the time to rock some parties together.
As Tini, a long time friend of the band, already played some shows as a temporary replacement for Alex she, after all, joined the band as a full member. We are very happy that with her we found a more than suitable replacement. We had a great time playing the first shows together and she really fits into the band. But see it for yourself at one of our next shows!"