Artillery på vej i studiet.
Artillery gor i Studiet den 29. november for at indspiller efterfølgeren til 2009-albummet "When Death Comes". Det nye materiale bliver også indspillet i Medley Studios med Søren Andersen som producer.
Guitarist Michael Stützer siger: "Artillery is very excited to start working on the follow up to When Death Comes, which received such a great response from both fans and media. It's great to go back to the studio only 1 1/2 year after our last effort, to show the fans that Artillery is working very hard to make new recordings and to tour again. And this time it won't take us 10 years to make a new album! We feel that the new songs will continue the style and production of our last efforts and we are looking forward to play new songs live for the best and most dedicated fans of metal."
Det kommende album, forventes at blive udgivet medio 2011 via Metal Mind Productions.