All Shall Perish arbejder på nyt album!
Californiske All Shall Perish er gået i krig med deres 4. album, der bliver efterfølgeren af 2008-albummet "Awaken The Dreamers".
Guitarist Ben Orum kommenterer bandets nye materiale med følgende ord: "After two very successful tours at home and abroad, we are now home writing the new ALL SHALL PERISH record! The writing process is flowing very naturally, and so far the material itself is very impressive. It is safe to say this will be one of the most aggressive, epic, groovy records we have ever written. I can not wait to start playing this material live"
Bandet tog for nylig afsked med trommeslager Matt Kuykendall, og havde dengang følgende kommentar: "It's always tough to part ways with a long-time member and friend, but it was absolutely necessary in order to maintain forward progress." Et 4 minutters videoklip med præsentation af den nye trommeslager Adam Pierce kan ses her:
Det nye album bliver også debut for bandets nye guitarist, italienske Francesco Artusato – Ham kan i se her: