

Relaterede nyheder

Dato Titel
When Copenhell Freezes Over 2015

Koncerter og festivaler

Dato Koncert Spillested Anmeldelse
Hexis, Violence
Hexis, Gradience
Hexis, SPLIT
Hexis, Nothing Noble
15-årsjubilæumsshow: Hexis
Crocell, Hexis
BeCursed, Hexis
Hexis, Ultra Lover
HXC over HCA #5: Hexis, Bones of Minerva, Fatal Move, He Who Saw The Abyss, Black Tritonus
Krypt vol. 4: Hexis, Sadokrista, Sloevsind
- Copenhell 2024 - Hexis: Hexis
Læs anmeldelse
- COPENHELL 2024: Dropkick Murphys, Machine Head, DIE KRUPPS, High On Fire, Madball, m.fl.
Hexis, Henret
VinterSolhverv i Herfølge 2022: Hexis
Hexis, Lilithian
- TRÅD 5.0: Writhe, Hexis, MITE, Puke Wolf, Hard Lessons
Hexis, Omsorg, Vægtløs
Hexis, ROT AWAY, MULD/Polonium210
Hexis, St. Digue
Slag-Town Slays 2022: Decapitated, Hexis, Urkraft, Six String Slaughter, LLNN, m.fl.
Hexis, Son of Seth
Hexis, A Crow's Murder Aflyst
Vintersolhverv i Herfølge 2021: Hexis Aflyst
Hexis, Son of Seth
Hexis, Son of Seth, Earn Your Scars
Hexis, TRWLR, Dead Anatomy
Hexis, A Crow's Murder
Hexis, A Crow's Murder Aflyst
- Royal Metal Fest 2021: Soilwork, Kampfar, CLIENTS, ORM, Ihsahn, m.fl. Aflyst
Hexis, TELOS, TRWLR Aflyst
Hexis, TELOS, TRWLR Aflyst
Slag-Town Slays: Julesmadder: Hexis, CLIENTS, Fordærv, ROT AWAY Aflyst
All Gallows Eve 2020: Hexis, LLNN, Eyes, CLIENTS
Hexis, Throwe, Terminalist, A Crow's Murder Aflyst
Hexis, Throwe, Terminalist, A Crow's Murder Aflyst
ILTER Warm Up 2020: Hexis, ROT AWAY, Extended Suicide, Husligt Arbejde Aflyst
- Royal Metal Fest 2020: Soilwork, Wayward Dawn, ORM, Kampfar, Uada, m.fl. Aflyst
Hexis, Throwe, Terminalist, A Crow's Murder Aflyst
Pest over Provinsen II: Hexis, Xenoblight, Servants of the Horde Aflyst
Hexis, Eyes, ROT AWAY, Regarding Ambiguity
Hexis, Dustdrome
Thou, Moloch, Hexis, The Arson Project
- A Colossal Weekend 2019: Built to Spill, Cartographs, Into Orbit, We Are Among Storms, Her Name is Calla, m.fl.
Hexis, LLNN, We Are Among Storms
Hexis, Arv
Hexis, Deus Otiosus
Hexis, TRWLR, Foreshadower, We Are Among Storms
Hexis, Demersal
Hexis, Demersal
Hexis, Demersal
Hexis, DRÅP, Cauterizer
Hexis, Départe, JustinHate, HIRAKI
Hexis, Départe, JustinHate, Mill
Hexis, Konvent, TELOS, Nordsind
Hexis, Ordeal, Lifesick
Grieved, Hexis, Cabal
Hexis, Déluge , Soul Grip, Woes
This Gift Is A Curse, Hexis
- Hexis, LLNN, Blood Snorter, Czar, JustinHate, Filthy Element, Dj Sort Hest, Halshug, Diagnosis? Bastard!, Ruined, Piss Vortex, Kluster Fuck, Direct Youth, Extended Suicide
Rosetta, Hexis, Redwood Hill
Hexis, Kollapse
Primitive Man, Hexis
When Copenhell Freezes Over 2015: FOSSILS, Hexis, Förtress, Deus Otiosus, Night Fever, m.fl.


Interview med Filip Andersen fra Hexis

Vi fik os en snak med Danmarks måske mest travle band Hexis om deres meget ambitiøse turné i 2019, GoFundMe-kampagner og at headline Pest