


Defecate - Flaming Piles of Decomposing Flesh

Midtjyderne, der vandt mit metalhjerte


Jylland bliver aldrig tømt for dødsmetal


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Koncerter og festivaler

Dato Koncert Spillested Anmeldelse
- Royal Metal Fest 2024: MORK, Bizarrekult, Lipid, Dread Witch, MurderCell, m.fl. Aflyst
Defecate, Sickseed, Krapyl
PitchBlack, Defecate, The Tombless
Defecate, Neckbreakker, PitchBlack
- Dark Mental Festival 2022: Sick Lore, Urkraft, AnoxiA, Eciton, Mother of All, m.fl.
Psy:code, Defecate, Posterity
Kraanium, Defecate
Springtime Slaughter 2021: Billy Boy In Poison, Chronicle, Defecate
Læs anmeldelse
Crocell, HOAK, Defecate
Springtime Slaughter 2021: Billy Boy In Poison, Chronicle, Defecate Aflyst
Crocell, Arsenic Addict, Defecate Aflyst
- Kill The Virus - Support Your Locals: HateSphere, Wayward Dawn, WORLD WAR 5, Xenoblight, Bloodgutter, m.fl.
The Tombless, Under the Blood Oak, Defecate
Toxic Family and Friends: Archangel, Hellmaze, DemonGrinder, Defecate, Arsenic Addict, m.fl. Aflyst
Defecate, Galge, WORLD WAR 5
Konkhra, Demolizer, Defecate
Aphyxion, Defecate
Rå Fredag Julefrokost: Killing, Defecate, Five Dollar Justice
Mono Goes Metal/Understrøm PART 4: HateSphere, Heroes 2 None, Polars Collide, Swindler, Arsenic Addict, m.fl.
Defecate, Deadnate
- CC Hegn 2019: Killing Gandhi, Disrule, Olm, Killing, Course Correction, m.fl.


Interview med Defecate

I sidste uge udgav Defecate ep’en Beating with Disgust, en ep vi her i Detektoren var ganske godt tilfredse med. Læs vores interview, hvor