Death to Aarhus Vol. 3: Smertegrænsens Toldere, Crocell, Death To Seattle, Persecutor, Polars Collide, m.fl.
Monorama, Åbyhøj
Pop Punk Voltage 2018: Daycare For Jedi, Ingen Regler, Future Idiots, High School Dropouts, LIKE TORCHES
High Voltage, København
Rise Against, Daycare For Jedi
VoxHall, Aarhus C
SPOT Festival 2018: BAEST, Natjager, Livløs, Alkymist, Morild, m.fl.
SPOT Festival, Aarhus
Prime is Coming: Aphyxion, Defecto, Siamese, MØL, Cabal, m.fl.
Sønderborghus, Sønderborg
Prime is Coming: Aphyxion, Defecto, Siamese, MØL, Cabal, m.fl.
Konfus, Esbjerg
Prime is Coming: Aphyxion, I'll Be Damned, Siamese, Sons Of Death Valley, MØL, m.fl.
Skråen, Aalborg
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Prime is Coming: Aphyxion, I'll Be Damned, Siamese, Sons Of Death Valley, MØL, m.fl.
Studenterhus Århus, Århus C
Prime is Coming: Defecto, Aphyxion, Siamese, I'll Be Damned, Cabal, m.fl.
Musikhuset Posten, Odense C
PRIME IS COMING: Defecto, Cabal, Cold Night for Alligators, Sons Of Death Valley, Siamese, m.fl.
Musikcaféen Huset KBH, København K
PRIME IS COMING: Defecto, Cabal, Cold Night for Alligators, Siamese, Sons Of Death Valley, m.fl.
V58, Århus C
PRIME IS COMING: Defecto, Cabal, Cold Night for Alligators, Sons Of Death Valley, Siamese, m.fl.
Musikhuset Posten, Odense C
Red Warszawa, Daycare For Jedi
Gylling Forsamlingshus, Odder