
Update fra Soilwork

Update fra Soilwork

Svenske Soilwork afslører nu Albumcoveret/Artwork på deres kommende album, "The Panic Broadcast", der i flere europæiske medier både er stemplet som det til dags dato "mest brutale og hårde", men også som det "mest melodiske" album fra bandet.
Björn “Speed"Strid siger:
“With the artwork for this album we wanted to capture the illusion of the mind, misconceptions and the state of panic. Bartosz Nalezinski has made a perfect job realizing this idea. The cover symbolizes the emperor of the illusion with two servants to assist the misconception. The background illustrates the abstract chaos that slowly takes over. Inside the booklet you can follow the psychological journey that brings you "The Panic Broadcast". Check out www.myspace.com/B_Nalezinski!"

Albummet udkommer den 02. juli via Nuclear Blast.