Sylosis involveret i trafikulykke, og må afbryder turne
Det british melo death/thrash Metal band Sylosis har været involveret i en trafikulykke, og tre af bandet fire medlemmer har været indlagt på hospitalet.
Efter omstændighederne har bandet det godt, men må alligevel afbryde den igangværende turne med Trivium og Devildriver
Bandet meddeler via Facebook, at de nu tager en pause sammen med familie og venner:
"We're all very lucky. We've mostly just been stitched up (my eyebrow, a few on Carl's legs and Bailey's back), badly bruised and what feels like full body whiplash. In car accident terms we're alright but in general terms we're not physically capable of continuing on with the tour and aim to get back to our families and friends asap to recover.
We want to thank the paramedics, the passers by who came to our help, the staff at the hospital and all of the fans and bands that have wished us well. It means the world to us.
Stay safe,