Ny guitarist til Agathodaimon
Agathodaimon guitarist Jan Jansohn (Adorned Brood) har forladt bandet, en ny guitarist er fundet. Hertil har sanger/guitarist Martin Wickler følgende kommentar:
"Some of you may have noticed the new photo yesterday already and wondered who this guy might be. Well, we did part ways with Jan due to musical and personal differences and now would like to announce a new guitar player in our ranks; please welcome Thilo Feucht! He's no unknown musician to our fans, you will know him from various contributions and guest appearances he had on Chapter III and Serpent's Embrace, back then under the nick name of Azrael.
He has also joined us on stage several times in the past since Chapter III, and already for our recent gigs we had in Austria and Germany. We're proud that he joined our ranks as full member now, and look forward to working on our sixth album together.
Speaking of album no.6; we can announce the working title In Darkness... it will be a step back to our roots, girls and boys! A studio date is scheduled for early 2011. More news to come soon."