Deicide aflyser Europa tour

Deicide har aflyst hele deres Europa tour. Kommentaren fra den hollandske agent er som lyder:

We are forced to be the bringers of some bad tiding!

Deicide has canceled their entire European tour, leaving all the promotors and fans hanging out to dry.  
Our "friend" Glen Benton (Deicide frontman) in his divine wisdom and untouchable creation, was not content with the weather conditions the Weather gods have set upon us. His delicate skin and pores could not handle these extreme high temperatures, His evilness found it to warm to procede this tour, (makes you wonder about Florida , where he lives, or his favorite place: Hell)

All jokes and irony aside.
The tour is canceled! After all late night negoziations with the US, the Label and the bands, there is nothing we can do than cancel the whole tour, and send the whole touring package back home.

Please adress all complains and remarkes to Deicide and Glen Benton. there is no-one, and nothing else to blaim for this than Him!

We have done all we could within our legal power to save this whole tour but non turned out to be sufficient enough.

Vi siger bare: Sådan noget pis!

Kommentarer (2)


Indlæg: 80

Jeg nægter at tro på det er

Jeg nægter at tro på det er Glen's skyld. Jeg tror nærmere det er den agent og hans agency der har fucked det op. Men det er som sagt os fans der går glip af noget.



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ja, man skal altid høre

ja, man skal altid høre historien fra 2 sider, men trist er det.