

Koncerter og festivaler

Dato Koncert Spillested Anmeldelse
- ILTER 2025: Joliette, Ronker, Eyes, Decorticate, Anti Ritual
Smertegrænsens Toldere, Olmek, Decorticate, Sadopimp
Smertegrænsens Toldere, Decorticate, Sadopimp, Induktri
10 Year Birthday Bash: Big Mess
- Ilter Festival 2024: Kaonashi, Vægtløs, MITE, Decorticate, Sklitakling, m.fl.
Toldermania 2024: Halshug, Pleaser, Eyes, I Am Bones, Smertegrænsens Toldere, m.fl.
Decorticate, SEQUESTRUM, Endless Glory, Sadopimp
Whoresnation, Decorticate, Extended Suicide, Speedpik
Decorticate, SEQUESTRUM, Cranial Sludge, Pustulant Flesh
- Metal Magic Festival 2023: COVEN, Satan, Girlschool, Midnight (US), Incantation, m.fl.
Cro-Mags, Decorticate
Lifesick, GRAVA, Decorticate
Uraño, Idiot Child, Decorticate, Suture, Kampsport
Extremely Rotten Death Metal Vol. 16: Pulmonary Fibrosis, Deiquisitor, Decorticate
- K-Town Hardcore Fest 2022: WARTHOG, Junta, Golpe, Vidro, Stray Bullet, m.fl.
Vidro, Glöm Allt, Decorticate Aflyst
Invektiv, Social Decline, Decorticate, Rawheads
- The Grindcore Family Weekend 2021: Anal Anus Angreb, Anüs, Annorektum, Arrogante, Brainwasher, m.fl.
- The Grindcore Family Weekend 2020: Brainwasher, Doomsisters, Abaddon Incarnate, Anal Anus Angreb, Choked by Own Vomits, m.fl. Aflyst